
Sunday 18 December 2011

HCP #3: Week of the 12th December 2011

In the third edition of the Hollyoaks Chronicles Podcast I've taken a new approach with the format and this will probably be the way that i'll do the show from now on. I'll discuss all the latest casting news with the news of Daniel O'Connor joining the series as Miles Higson (Seth Costello) departs. I'll also be giving a brief recap of the episodes of the series that I was unable to dedicate a podcast to that of those that aired during the week of the 5th - 9th December 2011, as well as all of the goings on over the past week. I had quite a sore throat during the recording of this podcast so sorry if your can't understand some of the things I say and for the random coughing at times.

Podcast Breakdown

Intro: 0.00 - 0.38
News: 0.43 - 3.21
Recap & Review #1: 03.26 - 12.14
Recap & Review #2: 12.19 - 28.21
Performer of the Week: 28.25 - 31.18
Close: 31.23 - 33.33

You can listen to the podcast in the player below or you can subscribe and download the episodes on iTunes here.

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